Suleymaniye Mosque

It was built by Master Architect Sinan between 1550 and 1557 in the name of Suleiman the Magnificent. There are many buildings around the mosque such as a madrasa, hospital, bathhouse, library and soup kitchen. The inner courtyard of the mosque is called "White Harem". The reason is that it is completely covered with marble. The mosque has four minarets. Each minaret was built in a corner of the courtyard. Two of these minarets are 76 meters high and the other two are 56 meters high. While there are three balconies in 76-meter minarets, there are two balconies in 56-meter minarets. A total of 10 balconies indicate that Suleiman the Magnificent is the 10th sultan of the Empire, and four minarets indicate that he is the 4th sultan after the conquest of Istanbul. There are two sundials on the south wall of the mosque. According to the inscription under the clocks, it was made by Muvakkit Abdurrahman in 1773. But now these sundial lines have disappeared so much that an unknowing or unattentive eye cannot notice them. The iron bars on the wall are part of the clock. It is the first mosque with four minarets built in Istanbul. The floor size of the mosque is 61 * 70 meters. The interior area of the mosque is 3,163 square meters. The height of the dome is 53 meters, the diameter of the dome is 32 meters and the thickness of the dome is 74 cm. There are 32 windows on the dome and 138 windows inside the mosque. The mosque's stained glass windows were made by Sarhoş İbrahim Efendi.

Mimar Sinan did not apply a drawing that he applied in one mosque to another of his works or mosques.

You can visit Suleymaniye Mosque on our Daily Istanbul Tours


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