Topkapi Palace by night

Historical places in Istanbul are also starting to open to night visits. In this context, Topkapı Palace, affiliated with the Presidency of National Palaces, will be opened to visitors at night for the first time in its history since 1924, when it started operating as a museum. The application will start tonight (29.06.2024) at 21.00. Thus, the Palace can be visited every Saturday between 21.00-23.00.

The night visit will be carried out in groups. The first group will be accepted today at 21.00, and the second group will be accepted at 22.00. Care will be taken to ensure that groups do not exceed 300 people.

The starting and ending point of the night tours, which will take history buffs on a journey into the past, will be Bab-ı Hümayun. Within the scope of the tour, the Imperial Divan, Kubbealtı and Palace Clocks Gallery located in the second courtyard can be seen.

In the Harem section, there are Karaağalar Masjid, Karaağalar Stony, Concubines Corridor, Valide Sultan's Apartment, Hünkar Bath, III. Murat Has Room, Favorites Office and Mabeyn Stony, Golden Road and Kuşhane Kitchen, which was recently opened to visitors with its new exhibition layout, can be visited.

If you would like to see Topkapı Palace during your visit to Istanbul, you can contact us. We have private and regular tours every day except Tuesdays.

Whatsapp: +90 530 5802807